January 04, 2008

Tegrex Makes Me Sleepy, Gives Me Torpor

I've been taking this mood stabilizer called "Tegrex" that really does help to eliminate the furies in which I broke furniture and told people to go fuck themselves. (When I was on the phone with the telephone company at my ex-fiancée's mother's house, I my fury at the bureaucracy built up until I screamed at the operator in Portuguese, "Suck my dick, just suck my dick!" Since my ex-fiancée and her mother were regular church-goers, they were unaccustomed to such language, particularly when screamed at operators from the telephone company.)

Anyway, Tegrex removes the compulsion to scream that way. I often have insomnia as well, and sometimes can become irritable and disbalanced simply for lack of sleep. Tegrex makes me feel tired, compelling me to take a two-hour nap every afternoon after lunch, like right now. And at night sleep becomes a Tegrex-compelled requirement rather than just a bothersome and voluntary option. Many people lose their minds for lack of sleep, says my psychiatrist, so sleeping is a good idea even for those who would prefer to remain perpetually awake.

Here's an example of why it's important to take psychoactive drugs consistently once they've been prescribed: When I first started taking Tegrex, I had a week of an uncomfortable (but not unbearable ) side effect: torpor. I felt dizzy, like I had gone without food and water for a couple of days. After a week, this side-effect nearly disappeared, except that I got tired every day at noon and had to take a nap.

Well, I ran out of the medication, didn't have a prescription for more, and spent about a week not taking the medication. Now that I've started again, I have the same side-effect (torpor) that I did when I started the first time because, effectively, I'm starting from scratch again. Had I taken the medication consistently, my body would have been accustomed and would never have reverted to its old unaccustomed state.

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