December 25, 2007

Winter is here.

Perhaps because it is Christmas, I dream of every member of my family - the ones I would like to see again and the ones whom I would just as soon forget entirely. In my dreams, they come back to me and we re-fight the same battles from which was born my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Winter is here. The snow is deeper with each passing hour, and twice as deep for those of us with half as much shelter. I have seen this snow before, confronting it with wings and not pelts.

Tradewinds are fickle as the human constitution. What goes up does come down . . . somewhere.


Anonymous said...

This winter has been rather difficult on me as well, tis the season I guess. As we edge closer toward the Holidays, is it not supposed to be about family? Perhaps that's why they rejoin you.

I use to have post traumatic stress syndrome up until my early twenties. It seemed my Dad would return to inflict domestic violence upon my mom once again. I would awake in a sweat, and then one day it went away, and he became powerless to me.

suicide_blogger said...

Yes, I've thought that might be why I'm dreaming about so many family members just now.

I'm glad you've been able to overcome so much PTSD.