January 07, 2009

I Slept Soundly Until the Phone Rang

Well, last night(actually at 4 A.M.) I convinced myself to sleep by downing four times the regular quantity of clonazepam. Don't do this at home! That and printing some pages from the New York Times and taking them to bed with me for reading is what allowed me to sleep, and in pretty short order.

In fact, I probably would have slept hours earlier had I just taken the New York Times to bed with me, but a symptom of manic depression and hypomania is the unwillingnesss to sleep, even when we feel tired.
A condition seen on rare occasions is “chronic hypomania,” in which people habitually sleep less than 6 hours a night, are constantly too enthusiastic, too busy, full of plans, and full of restless impulses. Essortment.Com
Early this morning, around 2:00 AM, a man came from the gas station across the street and asked if I was sawing something, because it sounded like perhaps my house was being robbed. In fact, I was sawing off two of the legs of my bed to make them equal to the other two. (All four legs need to be 50 cm (twenty-five inches or so), so that I can store all of my junk beneath the bed.) I guess those count as "restless impulses", since few others can be found sawing off the legs of their beds at 2:00 AM, in a manner that attracts the attention of the neighbors.

This is a longstanding impulse. When I was 19 years old (27 years ago), the neighbors called the police because I was sawing studs to renovate my bathroom at three in the morning. Some things never change and some only change with great difficulty and psychoactive drug intervention.

At nine this morning, the phone rang, and just as well because various people were looking for me, to charge me for my accounts and etc. I don't feel as though I took 8 mg of clonazepam last night, just six hours ago.

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