January 06, 2009

Is My Wife Cheating on Me?

I've moved sixteen hours away by bus to get away from my stepson, because he and I simply don't like each other, and I don't like living with him. In the process, I have had to leave my wife and two stepdaughters behind.

So, when I am away, does my wife go out with other men? There's really no way for me to know, except to ask her and hope she tells the truth.

I chat with other women. If my wife finds another man, I hope she tells me simply, so that I can go on with my life without too much emotional disruption. I can accept it if she needs the comfort and support that I can't give her from so far away. I can accept it if I need a living circumstance that living with my wife cannot provide. I just want to continue to be friends, without rancor, as I am with other ex's.

So, I want her to be honest with me about what's going on, even if I soft-peddle much of my activities so as not to alarm, hurt or anger her, or needlessly arouse her jealousy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you left, so she has a responsibility to have another relationship. Sex is good!