January 05, 2009

Taking More Tegrex / Tegretol / Carbemazepine / Carbemazepina

Having spoken with my psychiatrist, he says it was always his intention that I take more than 50 mg of Tegrex per day, once I got used to the lowest dose. But, I didn't get back to him about it and stayed on the lowest dose for a year. I thought only kooks would need to take more than 50 mg of Tegretol, which shows another bias under which I've been laboring, perhaps at great cost to myself.

Anyway, I'm going to take 150 mg of Tegrex from now on and see what happens.

I have to get up early in the morning to get a consult at the free hospital, and I am still awake at 23:44 P.M. I will have to wait in line for at least an hour. Meanwhile, I may not get much sleep first, because sleepiness has reached me now, but not overtaken me to the extent of forcing me to sleep.

Since I've been seriously considering cutting my head off with a chainsaw, therefore taking more medicine is a relatively conservative approach to my head problems. "If thy head offendeth the, cut it off." I know I read something vaguely like that in the Bible, but then I don't pay the Bible much attention anymore anyway, so there's no point in relying on it for permission to cut my head off.

I could also take more sertralina (Zoloft) since I am only taking 150 mg per day, while 200 is the maximum recommended dosage and I've heard of people taking 275 mg per day without adverse immediate results.

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