January 04, 2009

Sertralina / Zoloft: What About It for Me?

Psychosite says this about Sertralina, also known as Zoloft:
Para que serve ?
Suas principais indicações são para o tratamento da depressão e do transtorno obsessivo-compulsivo.

Como é usado ?
Geralmente da dose de 50mg por dia costuma ser suficiente, menos do que isso não costuma ser usado. Quando necessário a dose diária pode se elevar até 200mg por dia. Como os comprimidos têm 50mg fica fácil fracionar a dose ao longo do dia. Deve-se tomar preferencialmente pela manhã.
Although people in Twelve Step abstinence programs often think they are week if they cannot abstain from street drugs without the use of prescription drugs, I found that my obsession with chasing women was reduced considerably and became more manageable when I began taking anti-depressants. I wouldn't be surprised if the same were true for alcohol and cocaine, since so many drug addicts use to hide feelings of depression.

Likewise, I've just read that Tegrex/carbemazepina can be helpful in reducing the sickening effects of going without alcohol in the first weeks. I used to have prescription drugs. Then, I was humbled by my own sickly mind and I became a real proponent of taking the prescription medication that can help a person feel better and get over the hum of detoxification, be it from women, cocaine, alcohol, betting or cat-fucking.

Sertralina is also known as Zoloft. I never wanted to try this drug in my home country, because (1) my second wife took it and she seemed quite nutty, and (2) the name "Zoloft" turns me off. It sees like it's a drug for particularly nutty people, like Clonopin.

And yet, in Latin American languages "sertralina" sounds benign enough, and it also one eight the price for a monthly supply here compared to the United States. That's worth a try. My doctor here told me that it was a new drug in these parts, but it's been around at least ten years in the United States, since when my ex-wife was taking it.

The Brazilian site Psychosite says that 50 mg per day is a normal starting dosage of Sertralina/Zolof, but that 200 mg per day, preferably taken in the morning, is the upper limit. Since I still feel depressed much of the time, I can't see the harm in trying the upper limit and seeing what it does for me. I tend to be pretty resistant to psychoactive medications (I used to take 80 mg of Prozac per day), so it wouldn't be strange for me to need 200 mg of sertralina/Zoloft to get the desired effect.

However, I don't want to change two medications at once (Sertralina/Zoloft and Tegrex/carbemazepine, because if there are negative side effects I won't know which drug (or combination of drugs caused those side effects), and if I better I won't know precisely why. So, I'll take more Tegrex for a couple of weeks and then try an increased dose of ZZZoloft as well.

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